Friday, July 15, 2011

A Professional Approach To Event Management

Training Programme

Two Days

"A Professional Approach


Event Management"

Conducted by:


Mr. Satish K. Beri
Senior Consultant – Hotel & Hospitality Management Services, and Higher Education Hotel Management Studies
Mr. Rajender Kumar Sharma
Academic Head & General Manager, International Institute of Culinary Arts New Delhi

A Professional Approach

To Event Management

A two days module covering Core Professional Skills encompassing the strategies, designing, planning and delivery of successful events


At the end of the programme the participants will gain the skills and knowledge to consistently organise professional and plausible media & non-media events, social events, MICE and political events.

This will help the participants to:

  • Establish a sound concept and strategy for an event
  • Select the best, informative and appropriate format, scale, venue and identity for an event
  • Design an engaging and attractive programme of content for the planned event
  • Plan and prepare all aspects of event logistics
  • Close an event professionally
  • Collect feedback from all for evaluation and subsequent enrichment of the events to come

About This Module

Module Contents

We shall provide a detailed grounding in different sectors of Event Management industry and enrich the participants with sound management techniques delivered by seasoned managers and event organizers. Participants will receive a thorough Training Manual with various formats required for professional organising of an event to assist them to organize smooth and successful events.

This module comprises of four sessions, each covering a set of key concepts and skills. In each, theoretical inputs are supplemented in a concise briefing with active participant’s interaction. This will be followed by a range of stimulating learning activities like team workshops, group discussions, topical case studies and role-play exercises.

Module Titles:

1. Introduction to Event Management and Conceptualization of Event

2. Marketing of the Event, Its Booking and Contract Execution

3. Event title, theme, design and logistics

4. Event pre-planning and organising, execution and conducting the day of the Event

5. Logistics, Budgeting, Manpower Planning and Legal Governance

6. Closing of the Event Feedback and Evaluation

7. Presentation of Practical Activities by Group of Participants

Table of Contents for Each Title:

Title 1: Introduction to Event Management and Conceptualization of Event

This title will introduce the participants with introduction to Event Management, the role of Events from the past and establishing it as an Events Industry. This will emphasize on the strategic foundations of a successful event by selecting a strong format and concept for your PR event.

  • Introduction to Event Management
  • Role of Events in the Life Cycle
  • The Rich Tradition of Events
  • Birth of an Events Industry
  • Types of Events – Social, Political, Corporate, Industrial, Media and Non-media
  • Organisation Structure of the Events Industry
  • Event Management Education and Training Today
  • Creating a Strategic Event Concept

Title 2: Marketing of the Event, Its Booking and Contract Execution

This title will encompass the essential ingredients and processes required and used to design events, based on practical applications, checklists and best systems in practice.

  • Marketing and Sales of Projected Event
  • PR in Event Management, Tools of PR and Planning for Publicity and Media
  • Key Components of Event Design
  • Booking of an Event
  • Execution of Contract of Booking
  • MIS of Event Segments to Respective Organizers
  • Legal Compliances for Events in General

Title 3: Event title, theme, design and layout blue print

The title will appraise the students about booking of an Event till its execution within the legal framework encompassing the industry and above all the environment protection as laid down by environment legislation.

  • Building a Programme of Content
  • Selecting the Right Venue in Accordance to Environment Protection
  • Planning and Managing Venue Layouts
  • Commissioning Staging and Signage and Audience Seating
  • Preparing collateral and branded materials
  • Organising Back-office Systems and Green Rooms
  • Sending Invitations with Acknowledgement Slips
  • Sponsoring of Event and Trends influencing the growth in sponsorship

Title 4: Event pre-planning and organising, execution and conducting the day of the Event

This title will enrich the participants with activities related to multiple Events right from preplanning to execution of the Event on the day or days of the Event

  • Mapping out a timeline and critical path
  • Preparing, printing and compiling delegate packs / gifts
  • Executing and Working with the Planned Schedule
  • Last-minute Checks and Evaluations
  • Speaker Management / Master of Ceremony
  • Delegate Management and Hospitality
  • Catering Services as applicable to Event
  • Handling the Media at Events as applicable

Title 5: Logistics, Budgeting, Manpower Planning and Legal Governance

The title will appraise the participants with regard to Event Logistics and Ambience, Financial Planning and Budgeting alongwith Human Resources Planning being the main tool for conducting the event and the Legal Governance applicable in the respective areas of the entire event.

  • Defining Logistics with Elements of Event Logistics
  • The Logistics Plan
  • Selection of Vendors and Supply of Facilities
  • On-site Logistics – Lighting, Sound, Public Address System, Florals and Decorations, Stage Decorations & Effects and Designing the Catering Venue
  • Techniques of Logistics Management
  • Control of Events Logistics
  • Financial Planning and the Budget, Creating a Budget, Other Sources of Income, and Sponsorship and Public Funding
  • Evaluating the Budget of the Event with Financial Control
  • Human Resource Planning and Its Management, Motivating Staff and Volunteers with Team Building for Efficient Execution of Events
  • Legal Obligations at Various Stages

Title 6: Closing of the Event, Feedback and Evaluation

This title will cover the closing activities involved with any event, getting feedback from all in totality and evaluating the same for assessing the performance of the events with reporting to organizers and stakeholders.

  • Closing and Winding up of the Event
  • Feedback of the Event from Audience, Organizers, Stakeholders and Media Network
  • Designing of Feedback Documentation
  • Evaluation of the Feedback and the Event
  • Event evaluation reports and profiles
  • Reporting to Stakeholders

Title 7: Presentation of Practical Activities by Group of Participants

This will be a regular workshop covering practical applications in Event Management, formatting and documentation and inter group interactions, case study and presentation of a mock event to the group.

  • Procedures for handling group situations
  • Roles of each group member and their responsibilities and activities
  • Guidelines of Participants
  • Preparation of Group Activity Document
  • Group Interaction

Professional Expertise and Qualification Credit

This module is specially designed for handling various kinds of events in today’s Event Management industry. The company excels in conducting such programmes through its rich resources of Academicians, Professionals from the Event Management industry and CEOs of globally reputed Event Management Companies. The participants will be awarded a Certificate of competence at the end of the programme. They can use it to build up course credit in their professional profiles, which in turn can provide credit in academics and a professional edge in the chosen career.

The Programme Design

Practical Application

Event Management is heavy on reality with extensive practical applications and light on theory. The trainer will introduce the concepts precisely and clearly followed by focus on real-world skills that are closely integrated to create that big picture of your work. The modules are updated regularly and hence the trainers are pro-active with the industry and hence the knowledge they impart will be updated and relevant.

Active Participations

The training programme comprises of concise briefings on best practices. These are supported by interactive session and learning activities like workshops, role-plays, case study analysis, coaching, brainstorming and structured group discussions. This will keep you involved and active in the programme and the participants will not be sitting passively through long lectures.

Stimulating Exercises

This course is interesting, intellectually stimulating and delivered in a relaxed and professional style.

Inspiring Situations

All company trainers have perfection in presentation skills with good and humorous communication skills with long working years of experience in the industry. The trainers are not purely academic teachers. They are lively and enthusiasts who will inspire and motivate your creativity.

The Participants Strength

The module is delivered in a well created training environment with all to date training aids and facilities. The seating is in a conference or an executive boardroom format, and classroom-style is not preferred. The group should be no larger than twenty people and not less than ten people. The participant will get personal attention for the issues that matter to them. It’s also a great chance to network and share experience with each other and also with other professionals in the Event Management industry.

Trainers Profiles

1. Biographical Note of Mr. Satish K. Beri, Director, OVEE Hotel & Restaurant Services Pvt. Ltd.

Satish K. Beri after post graduating in Hotel Management and Catering Technology from IHM, Pusa, New Delhi, in 1971 has been rendering his professional services as Manager/ General Manager of Hotels both in the Public and Private Sector. In addition, he has also been holding Senior Appointments on various Boards of Managements both in the Hotel Industry as well as in the Hotel Management Institute Bodies. Satish K. Beri has also been an Entrepreneur manufacturing Kitchen Equipment for Hotels and also rendering Consultancy Services to new Entrepreneurs in the Hospitality Industry. Satish K. Beri was also associated with Hotel Management Institute (BCIHMCT, affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi) as a Senior Management Faculty & Advisor, for formulating Hotel Management Academics Curriculums and Syllabi for under-graduate and post-graduate programmes and simultaneously conducting Training Programmes in various management subjects. Satish K. Beri is also authoring Text Books in Hotel Management subjects for various publishers both, Textbooks for Classroom Study and SIMs for Distance Learning Programmes. Satish K. Beri at present is Director, OVEE Hotel & Restaurant Services Pvt. Ltd. rendering Consultancy Services to the Hotel and Hospitality Sector, both Industry and Academics (Higher Education – Hotal Management Studies) right from Conceptualization to its Operations and Management. He is empanelled as Member Expert on various Governing Bodies of IHMs and other organisations in the Hospitality Sector. Satish K. Beri has a rich experience of 40 years in the Hotel and Hospitality Industry as a Senior Hotel Management Professional, an Academician for Hotel Management Studies and an Entrepreneur.

2. Biographical Note of Mr. Rajender Kumar Sharma, Academic Head & General Manager, International Institute of Culinary Arts New Delhi.

Rajender Kumar Sharma graduated from the Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Pusa, New Delhi, in the year 1972 and latter qualified his B.Com from Delhi University in 1974. Thereafter, he obtained Professional Competency Certificate in the areas of F&B Management, Sales & Marketing and Housekeeping Management from Cornell University, USA in the year 1976. Thereafter, Mr. R.K. Sharma rendered his professional services in ASHOK GROUP OF HOTELS, NEW DELHI (ITDC) where is held Senior Appointments in various hotels of the ASHOK GROUP OF HOTELS and work their from 1974 – 1981. Mr. Sharma, thereafter held Senior Appointment as Manager / General Manager and also as a Chef in various Hotels and Institutions in the Hotel and Hospitality Industry. He has also commissioned hotels as well as Hotel Management Institutes at various destinations and operated them with professional perfection. Mr. R.K. Sharma was also a member of the Organizing Committee Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010, New Delhi (Feb 2010-july2010). At present Mr. R.K. Sharma is the Academic Head & General Manager at the International Institute of Culinary Arts New Delhi, and is overall in charge of the institute for administration, operations and academics. Mr. R.K. Sharma has a rich experience of 36 years in the Hotel and Hospitality Industry as a Senior Hotel Management Professional, and an Academician for Hotel Management Studies both undergraduate and postgraduate.

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